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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৫ জানুয়ারি ২০২৫

বই/ জার্নাল


There are various type of books available in this library.


Such as: Mechanical and Civil, Structure Engineering, Soil Engineering, ISI Code, Reference Book, Steel Engineering, Concrete, Chemical Engineering, Building Brick, Architecture, ASTM, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Computer etc.



There are various types of journal available in this library.


Such as:


ACI Concrete International, USA, ACI


ACI Material Journal, USA, ACE


Architectural Record, USA, Mc Graw Hill


Civil Engineering, USA, ASCE


Concrete & Constructional Engineering, UK, Concrete Publication Ltd.


Concrete International, USA,


Journal of Ferro cement, Thailand, IFIC in Collaboration with NZFCMA


Journal of the American Concrete Institute, USA, ACI


Open House International, London, N. Wilkinson


Physics & Chemistry of Soilds, New York, Harvey Brooks


RIBA Journal, London, The Reyal Institute of British Architects


Rubber and Plastic Age, London, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.


The Architects Journal, London, The Architectural Press Ltd.


The Indian Concrete Journal, India, The Cement Marketing Company etc.


Research Monograph:


There are various types of research monograph available in this library.

Such as:


Impact of transport improvement on Rural Development

Prefab Ferro cement Bird-Bath


Re-strengthening of RC column for axial load carrying performance using low cost Ferro cement Jacketing Technique


Housing societies of Dhaka.


Use of prestressed concrete panels as roofing element

Planning of urban community facilities: a case study of Islambag area in Dhaka city


A land development policy for low income housing in Dhaka metropolitan area


Housing for low income group: a case study of ganaktuli sweepers colony.


Planning for re-development of central jail Area

Taxation policy on urban house property in Bangladesh: a case study of Dhaka city


Institutional aspects of the choice of the technology: an appraisal of low cost housing in Bangladesh.


Guided land development for private residential area in Dhaka city.


Study on urban residential house rent and government rent policy: A test case of Dhaka city. etc.




There are various types of thesis papers available in this library.


Such as:


Bangladesh Standard Cement


High rise high density housing for urban poor: an assessment of possible solution.


Improvement of conventional ferrocement as building materials.


Report on an adaptation strategy of inhabitant of Haor basin.