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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৩ মার্চ ২০২২

মৃত্তিকা বিভাগ

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Division of Housing and Building Research Institute Under the Ministry of Housing and Public Works is  an interdisciplinary Research Division based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We investigate novel concepts that underlie the complexities of our field. Our research is supported by funding from the government and a number of foundations. Our focus is the evaluation of properties of soils in the fields as well as in the laboratory to arrive at safe and economic foundation design for buildings and improvement of soft soil for safe and economic design of foundation. The tests and consultancy services rendered by this Division are:

  1. Physical properties of soil
  2. Unconfined compression test of soil
  3. Compaction test of soil
  4. Consolidation test of soil
  5. Triaxial shear test of soil
  6. Collection of undisturbed sample
  7. Collection of disturbed sample by boring (upto 150 ft.)
  8. Standard penetration test of soil
  9. Consultancy services for the sub-soil investigation

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